ERUA’s fourth Annual Summit 2024 stands at the forefront of exploring the significant role of social innovations in the face of global transformation and sustainability crises. This summit represents a distinctive assembly of thought leaders, academics, policymakers, and innovators, all uniting with a shared objective: to thoroughly explore the pressing needs of social innovations in addressing contemporary challenges.

Submission Process

All proposal must be made in PDF format and submitted using the Easychair System, submission link:

  • Proposal Submission Deadline: 29 April
  • Notification of Acceptance: 13 May

The first day of the conference will be devoted to discussions in these thematic areas:

  • Open Science and Accessibility;
  • Measuring Societal Impact of Research;
  • Nurturing Ecosystems for Social Innovations;
  • Implications of Migration on Research Sustainability.

The second day of the conference will address challenges and solutions in the following areas:

  • Navigating the Complexities of Migration, Exile, and Refugees;
  • Democracy, Human Rights, Inclusion and Gender Equality;
  • Leveraging Social Innovations for Sustainable Environmental Transition;
  • Embracing Interculturality and Multilingualism;
  • Arts and Edges: Unconventional Approaches to Social Change;
  • ERUA Students Joint Workshop Activities.

Submission Guidelines

  • Abstract:  300 – 1000 words, highlighting the proposal’s connection to the topic themes
  • Biography: Include a brief bio of each presenter, focusing on relevant expertise and achievements.
  • Contact Information: Full contact details for follow-up (Name, Surname, affiliation, email, phone number)

Review Criteria

Proposals will be evaluated for their relevance, originality, engagement potential, and particularly their contribution to the field of social innovations.


Selected proposals will be featured at the summit, with potential for publication in conference proceedings or special academic journals.


SOCIN’24 will take place June 25-27, 2024 at Mykolas Romeris University Vilnius, Lithuania


All questions about submissions should be emailed to

We eagerly anticipate your innovative proposals to enrich the discussions at the ERUA Fourth Annual Summit 2024.

Website created by the host institution – Mykolas Romeris university